1.Which Fabric should I use to recover a noticeboard or office screen?
Consider which fabric suits your purpose. How would you like to attach information to your boards? If this is not a consideration, (perhaps for office screens) then you can skip to question two.
With a Velcro (Hook Fastener)
For this you would need a Velcro compatible fabric such a Loop Nylon (sold in continuous metre lengths) in many different colours. Alternatively, the heavier duty Polyweave available in Rolls of approx. 50 Metres in a Grey or Black
With Pins
For this you can use either a Display Felt or a Woven Office Screen Fabric, a myriad of colours are offered. Both options available in continuous metre lengths. If you are looking to match in office screens, notice boards and chairs in the same fabric colours for your design theme the Office Screen Fabric will work well for you.
2. How much fabric will I need?
The width of the fabric is shown on the product detail page and we then supply in a continuous length up to a roll, or a roll (typically 50M or 100M) Measure your board and ensure that there is ample to cover around the edge and approximately 5cm around the back of the board (slightly more if you are choosing to staple only your fabric to board)
3. Which backing should I choose to best cover my boards?
Self Adhesive Backed Fabrics
An adhesive coating has already been applied to the fabric with a backing paper sheet and is ideal if you are confident with your applicatication process (see below)
Standard (without any backing)
These fabrics are easily applied with a PVA Glue. Standard fabrics include Display Felt, Woven Office Screen, and the hook compatible Loop Nylon and Polyweave
Foam Backed
If you would like a slightly fuller look or there is some inconsistences in the level of the board you are covering, a foam backing option will work well.
Foam Backing is available on Woven Office Screen Fabric, Hook Comptaible Loop Nylon. We can also special order if required.
4. How do I apply my fabric?
For Standard and Foam Backed Fabrics
PVA Glue
Available in your local DIY store, the instructions will be confirmed on the directions for use. Paste the board and then introduce the fabric onto the coated board. The fabric can then be repositioned with ease. Gently smooth your hand over the fabric and press the fabric onto the board to ensure bond and no air bubbles trapped etc.
All Purpose Adhesive Spray (Formulated for Felt Textiles and Fabrics)
Available in your local DIY store, often near the carpet tiles! The procedure will be confirmed in the directions for use on the product. The spray can be applied to the board the indicated time is left for the solvent to evaporate and then the fabric is introduced to the bored. Gently smooth out to ensure the bonds and any air bubbles etc.
Adhesive backed fabrics
Both Self Adhesive Loop Nylon and Self Adhesive Backed Polyweave are available as standard. For the more confident, an adhesive backed option works well with no other adhesives required. You will pull back the backing paper evenly under tension and apply to your board. Gently smooth your hand over the fabric and press the fabric onto the board to ensure bond and no air bubbles trapped as you go. The adhesive is very strong so be mindful of not allowing it to stick to itself. Also allow the fabric to relax before trimming the edges of the panel. Once applied the fabric can not be repositioned or adjusted.
NB All of the fabrics suggested are fire certificated details available on the linked
N.B. Please note this is general advice and individual circumsatnces differ if you are would like advice for your circumstances please contact us directly at sales@hummingbird-displays.com 01284 728357 and we would be pleased to help